Frequently Asked Questions
Are you accepting new clients? What is your availability?
My ability to take on new clients varies, but I am often able to squeeze someone in so contact me and find out! I am currently offering in-person and virtual appointments Mondays, Wednesdays and Sunday evenings.
What are the options for how your services are delivered?
While my preference is for in person sessions, I also deliver online sessions through my virtual office, and do some limited phone counselling as well. This allows me to offer services to those who do not reside in my area or for whom other challenges make in person sessions inconvenient.
What are your fees?
I charge $160 per individual session and $172.50 per couples or family session (both 50 minutes) as is recommended by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. GST is included in the price.
Are you covered by my benefits?
While I rarely bill companies directly, as a Registered Clinical Counsellor I am covered by many insurance companies. Check the fine print though, as some companies will only accept Registered Social Workers or Psychologists.
How do I book a session?
Contact me at 778-986-4151 or use the contact form on this website to book a session. Online booking is not available at this time.
How do you accept payment?
Typically I prefer e-transfer at the time of the session. In person sessions can also be paid via cash or cheque.
Do you accept ICBC clients?
Yes, absolutely, though I do not bill ICBC directly at this time.
Do you accept ARETE clients?
Yes, I do! ARETE will pay me directly so there is no cost to you unless you miss a session without notice.
Do you accept CVAP clients?
Yes, I do! CVAP will subsidize your counselling session directly, so your out of pocket expense is much less.
Do you accept First Nations clients using FNHA funding?
Yes, I do! FNHA will pay me directly so there is no cost to you unless you miss a session without notice.
How are you managing physical health risks due to Covid or other illnesses?
I recognize that these are trying times with lots of nasty bugs in circulation, that individuals vary in how dangerous these bugs can be to them, and that being closed in a small room increases the risk of transmission if someone is ill. My commitment to you is that I will only do virtual sessions while sick, and will wear a mask if I suspect I might be coming down with something. I ask that if you are sick that you either wear a mask in session or ask me for a virtual appointment, which is always an available option for any reason.